todae morning fought wif charlie so was quite a bad start for the day but after that in class awhile later he admitted that he was wrong and apologized to me so we became from enimes to frenz u all mut think that we are stupid hahahas english lesson so boring got scolding from mrs goh because presantation so unprepared than after that recess recess over maths too bad mrs chin did not cm we all did her work and her lessons are fun most of the time after that chinese theres a test for ca and i did noyt to the test propaly i anyhow write number because no mood to do so tired afetr that was history than sci todae sci so fun we all laugh wif jokes all these after sch went red dot musem so not worth travelling so far jut to see the things that are going to be in the future came back played basketball than went hm tats all lor buh bye
lol todae zen didnt cm so we cant whack him up so no fun liao all subject todae all so boring can sleep but finally my 2.4 run finally got a 4 point first time for me so dam happy. after that all boring liao in chinese class play lyk mad than star lesson dunneo do wat stupid cheer sianzzzzzzzz after sch walk wif wydayu and stephanie and asked for her ............ lol hold for few minutes at least better than last time 40 seconds onli than go mac eat there than suppose walk to swimming complex wif all but half way pangseh them than ayu angry tats all lor buh bye!
lol sia yesterday so sianz in maths class i daydreaming dun neo wat teacher talking than after tat it was chinese see that bloody zen face feel lyk whacking him always hated him after sch at can teen met yong quan ask me follow him than follow until his pri sch sae wan to go in than never than i walked back to sch saw charlie went up to library saw stephanie they all than after that the most fun part was at night during speech me suhid nabihan nazrul all went to explore the sch tha tell each other ghost stories scry sia went hm at 9 tats all lor buh bye
wa todae in sch so sian study history half way can sleep so boring dun even neo wat teacher talking than during chinese lesson so funny sia that tom take rubber band shoot ppl hit queh yi the head so funny sia than after that dunneo y stephanie keep saeing i emo but im not emo wat the hell stupid mr ee cm our class talk lyk wat the fuck dun even understand wat he talking. after sch go ot wif wydayu, stephanie and her friend than walk pass huisian she sae i flirter but im not those ppl make me go 1. reaching the swimming complex hold the stephanie hands but not even a minute because all so paiseh sia thats all buh bye
todae so sianzzzz nth to do onli slack around play xbox chat on msn and chat on phone thats all lor nth to post since this is the first time i have a blog